Eurogastro Fair Warsaw

Euro-Toques Polska exhibits together with the Association's partners/companies at the stand, conducts workshops/culinary shows for 3 days on various topics (meat, fish, game, equipment, desserts)

General Meeting of Euro-Toques Polska

March 17 - work of the Association Committee, meeting with partners/companies of the Association March 18 - meeting of the General Meeting of Euro-Toques Polska (summary of the year, plans for 2025)

Fermentatie workshop bij Restaurant Het Arsenaal 1309 in Doesburg. Nederland.

Maak kennis met de kracht van fermenteren. Hoe te werken, wat te doen en hoe te gebruiken. SVH Gezel Meesterkok Björn de Waal organiseert een compleet verzorgde culinaire dag waar zo’n beetje alles m.b.t. fermenteren behandeld wordt. Van bierbrouwen in eigen brouwerij tot lacto-fermentatie, kombucha’s en zuurdesem. Maandag 7 april, vanaf 10:00 uur, wordt je ontvangen […]

30 juni 2025: Euro-Toques Nederland Jaarevent 2025 bij Kasteel Maurick Vught

Save the date! 30 juni 2025 Euro-Toques Nederland Jaarevent  bij Kasteel Maurick Vught Alvast 'n tipje van de sluier 12.00 uur: ontvangst met walking lunch 13.30 uur: Algemene Leden Vergadering & Parallelprogramma 15.00 uur: Ontvangst afgevaardigden van alle aangesloten landen Euro-Toques International & VIP's Drinks & Bites met onze Euro-Toques Partners in de Kasteeltuinen 17.00 […]

“Time for Fish” cooking competition (carp)

(Niemodlin) Euro-Toques Polska members patronize the competition and also serve on the jury in culinary competitions for young people and professionals. ETP members also conduct cooking shows, promoting carp as a fish of the region and tradition

Congress of Chefs and Restaurateurs Warsaw

Euro-Toques Polska exhibits together with the Association's partners/companies at the stand, conducts workshops/culinary shows for 3 days on various topics (meat, fish, game, equipment, desserts)

Christmas Eve meeting

Closing the year with a special Christmas dinner. It is a time of reflection, summaries and plans for the coming year. Euro-Toques Polska members share the wafer and wish each other