In Spain, the association is chaired by Andoni Luis Aduriz and has almost 800 chefs, with regional and provincial delegates.

Euro-Toques Slovakia is helpful in ensuring a high-quality, nutritionally balanced and varied composition of the diet, using the most modern technological procedures and culinary mastery.

The aim of Euro-Toques Austria is to preserve Austrian culinary heritage by supporting traditional cooking methods and promoting producers of local and seasonal artisan products.

The aim of Euro-Toques Ireland is to preserve Irish culinary heritage by supporting traditional cooking methods and promoting producers of local and seasonal artisan products.

For more than 35 years, the Euro-Toques association, created in 1986 on the initiative of Messrs. Pierre ROMEYER and Paul BOCUSE , has worked to safeguard and promote quality and original food products within its European network.

Ahead of us is the last, final battle of the "Battle for Poultry Flavors" - a nationwide culinary competition held under the patronage of the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Euro-Toqeus Polska.

Traditional cooking is served in the Euro-Toques Netherlands restaurants. The collaboration with local and strictly selected national producers who meet the current sustainability quality marks guarantees quality, taste and preservation of culinary traditions. Each member of Euro-Toques Nederland has its own cuisine and identity,

Organizatie Culinara Profesionala, scopul principal fiind Apararea Patrimoniului Culinar European: un obiectiv pentru un mod de viata mai sanatos!

The 2021 Euro-Toques Italia Guide contains detailed profiles of 321 members, 79 more than the previous edition. The most represented region is Lombardy (71 chefs), followed by Sicily (49), Tuscany (28), Campania (22), Emilia Romagna (18) and Lazio (18). 27 Italian members work abroad.

In 1986, at a time when the addition of chemically produced preservatives, colors and flavors to food was increasing rapidly, Euro-Toques was founded by Baron Pierre Romeyer. The aim of the new association was to bring together as many European chefs as possible to stand up for natural foods.

Als de Euro-Toques International-beweging meer dan 35 veren telt, viert Euro-Toques Suisse dit jaar haar vijfentwintigjarig bestaan. Elke verjaardag is een kans om jezelf te vernieuwen en voor deze gelegenheid hebben we het volgende programma voor je samengesteld