Creation of Euro toques
In 1986, at a time when the addition of chemically produced preservatives, colors and flavors to food was increasing rapidly, Euro-Toques was founded by Baron Pierre Romeyer. The aim of the new association was to bring together as many European chefs as possible to stand up for natural foods:
“The aim is to support traditional, artisanal food producers, promote quality products, preserve Europe’s culinary traditions and ensure that chefs use food responsibly. It aims to protect, defend and preserve the natural products, raw materials and ingredients that are used every day by chefs in the member states to prepare meals for millions of guests. The use of products, raw materials and ingredients that could be harmful to humans in any way should be prevented.”
The Belgian three-star chef Baron Romeyer called together all of Europe’s top chefs and founded a non-commercial organization with them, which they called “Euro-Toques International”. “Euro” stands for Europe and “Toques” for the chefs’ status – the high chef’s hat. The new club was supported by the then EU President Jacques Delors.
Euro-Toques Austria was founded on March 28, 2018 by Christian Meyer in Vienna.
What is Euro Toques?
The aim of Euro-Toques Austria is to preserve Austrian culinary heritage by supporting traditional cooking methods and promoting producers of local and seasonal artisan products. The member chefs and cooks are part of a nurturing community of like-minded professionals who pride themselves on being the custodians of Irish food culture.
Euro-Toques members work to a high set of principles as set out in the Euro-Toques Code of Honour. This means striving for excellent culinary standards as chefs and always working with quality local produce which is in season (as far as is practicable). Euro-Toques members operate with integrity in everything from sourcing to serving.
President | Christian Meyer |
Generalsekretär | Klaus Hölzl |
Vizepräsident | Markus Lorbeck |
Vizepräsident Landesbeauftragter Niederösterreich | Philipp Wimmer |
Vizepräsident Landesbeauftragter Tirol | Markus Keimling |
Landesbeauftragter für Osttirol | Lukas Gröfler |
Botschafter Südtirol | Karljeinz Jung |
Landesbeauftragter Sazburg | Stefan Fuchs |
Landesbeauftragter Niederösterreich | Patrick Zach |
Euro-Toques Österreich
Zeleborgasse 30/24
1120 Wien
T: +43 676 910 28 08