Euro-Toques International is the main chefs’ association, bringing together renowned artisan chefs from many European countries including: Spain, Italy, France, Slovakia, Austria, Ireland, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands, Romania, Germany and Switzerland.
Founded in 1986, the association’s most prestigious members include Paul BOCUSE and Pierre ROMEIJER, who chaired the association for many years.
Euro-Toques International’s mission is to defend the profession of chef, by encouraging training, the promotion and exchange of good practice while raising awareness of the use of healthy products. To this end, the chefs of Euro-Toques International undertake to respect a code of honour for their profession and each contribute to the good reputation of the profession of chef.
Euro-Toques International embodies gastronomic excellence throughout Europe. The association is dedicated to preserving and promoting authentic, quality food products and supports all the farming activities behind it.. Its values include respect for European culinary diversity and the promotion of healthy eating based on fresh ingredients. Euro-Toques International also works to increase the transparency of the food chain to guarantee product safety and accessibility to a decent food system, particularly for young people.
In this period of institutional renewal, Euro-Toques International would like to reaSirm its objectives and highlight its priorities:
I. Promoting a healthy, sustainable and balanced diet
Our commitment is clear: to promote healthy diets based on fresh, quality products transformed on site.
Euro-Toques International defends the use of seasonal and local products, respecting natural cycles and favouring short circuits, as well as respect for animal welfare to ensure transparency in the food chain, in particular through eSective traceability.
In this context, Euro-Toques International welcomes the European initiatives that have been carried out in support of the agricultural sector and those part of the “Farm to Fork” strategy, with important actions such as the legislative proposal on the protection of designations of origin, geographical indications – this labelling policy should be extended wherever possible – or the revision of the Breakfast Directives.
These initiatives must be pursued to guarantee significant progress in the field of food, health and, more generally, the well-being of European citizens.
However, it is important to recognise that certain European initiatives that were envisaged and announced have not been carried through to a successful conclusion. We are convinced that initiatives such as harmonised and compulsory nutritional labelling on the front of packaging, as well as all the measures announced in relation to animal welfare (particularly in relation to livestock farming), must be supported in order to guarantee significant progress in favour of healthy, sustainable food that is accessible to all.
Euro-Toques International is therefore calling for these measures to be renewed, and for the European Commission to show ambition and continue its eSorts in this direction, in collaboration with all the stakeholders concerned.
II. Train our future chefs and raise awareness among tomorrow’s consumers
Euro-Toques International is committed to promoting healthy food education, particularly among the younger generation, while ensuring that it contributes to the ongoing training of future chefs. The training of young chefs should also be supported.
As part of this eSort, we fully support the legislative review of the EU School Fruit, Vegetable and Milk Scheme.
Our aim is to pass on good practices for a balanced diet to children, with the aim of helping to combat child obesity by oSering tasty, nutritious dishes that promote local produce. The fight against obesity is a health policy priority.
III. Preserve our European gastronomic cultural heritage
Each country and region have its own unique culinary traditions and skills, which deserve to be showcased. Euro-Toques International is committed to promoting the diversity of Europe’s culinary heritage and gastronomy.
Preserving Europe’s culinary heritage also means promoting local produce and products and in particular quality livestock farming. Initiatives such as “smart villages” help to raise the profile of the often-little-known treasures of Europe’s rural areas.
Finally, Euro-Toques International recognizes the positive impact that European distinctions can have on cities and encourages the European Commission to establish an honorary prize for the gastronomic heritage of European capitals, cities and regions. By recognising the excellence of their local gastronomy, these awards contribute to their international reputation and to the tourist appeal of the regions concerned.
To sum up…
Euro-Toques international calls on the European institutions to adopt an ambitious and resolute approach in favour of a healthy, sustainable and balanced food system.
Although significant progress has been made during this last legislature, it is imperative to maintain this dynamic and not to abandon promising European initiatives that have not been able to materialise within the framework of the Farm to Fork strategy, and more broadly in line with the objectives of the European Green Pact.
Euro-Toques will welcome any new measures to promote healthy eating, focusing on training, promotion and the exchange of good practice, while ensuring that Europe’s gastronomic cultural diversity is preserved.